Changster sleeps with me on the weekend for our bonding. It's pretty much my only chance to read to her in Chinese but I often have to read the same story three times as she wants to have the English translation and one uninterrupted one before she sleeps.
We picked 羞怯的副櫛龍 ( The Shy Parasaurolophus) tonight and we got to a page where a friend of the main character said, " 我的家就在那邊的懸崖上" I read it as "I live on top of the cliff over there". Changster stopped me and said, "but mummy, there's a crack in the picture. It's not a cliff!" I waited for her to say something like a rock but she said it's a canyon. She's actually correct. According to the picture, it was "A long, deep, narrow valley with steep cliff walls, cut into the Earth by running water and often having a stream at the bottom."
That left me pretty speechless. When we were done with reading, she asked for her water cup and I told her to grab it as it's on the bedside table on her side. She then said, "mummy, pretty please, can you get it? It's beyond my reach" ( as the bed side table is about a foot away)
I don't know if I'm capable of helping her with her development at all at this rate. What type of 3 year 8 month old child talks like that? I feel like the only choice I have is to quit and go back to school. Will I be the type of stalker mum who over protects the child? What should I do?
Scouting mission
4 days ago
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