Hmm... Where to start? Five months since the last post. Have I been busy? Yes I have been. I started at the new place (where I started as a trainee more than 10 years ago and left 10 years ago), caught more remy at home, ate more food than I should have, got my braces... And the absence is due to.... A combination of lost and laziness
I started working at the new place with a very positive attitude. I like most of the people (c'mon, you can't make me like everyone!) but slowly, I feel like it's groundhog day again. I deal with dodos who have similar problems in slightly different wrappers. Some of them have quite an attitude. Some vocabularies that I tried hard to lose creep back into my head and came flowing out of my mouth in some most inappropriate (politically) moment. I wake up in the morning and mechanically change and drive to the office. I am all exhausted at the end of the day after 14 to 15 hours at work. On the weekend, when I get a moment with the Changster, I don't know what I did the week before.
This is getting a little scary. Am I too jaded or something is wrong with my brain?
Scouting mission
3 days ago